Temporal World

A haptisonic VR work that opens up a universe of experiences and memories of a young artist looking for her place in a new country.

Chloé Lee is an Asian-American artist who moved to Berlin a few years ago. While exploring a new city, she was forced to reflect on her migrant experience and the ways in which Berlin changes her and how she changes Berlin. In her unique work, she gives us a glimpse of how these changes have gradually settled not only in her mind but also in her body. With the help of a virtual reality helmet and a special haptic vest that transmits sensations from the neck to the fingertips, she allows us to feel how memories of home connect with newly acquired experiences in her universe.


author: Chloé Lee

country: Germany

year: 2023

runtime: 20-30 min

language: English

premiere: Czech Premiere

motion sickness risk: low

control complexity: advanced interactions

section: International Compatition

location in DOX: Auditorium