Over The Rainbow

An unsettling dive into the strangeness of the human soul referencing the aesthetic of David Lynch.

In a quiet gallery, two faces look at each other from the canvases. What is hidden behind their gaze? In the continuation of his dream trilogy, conceptual artist Craig Quintero reveals the stage as well as backstage of the human soul. The scenes that we don't necessarily always understand, but they arouse fascination, awe and fear. How does a deer's head, a glass of juice or a cabaret variety show relate to our subconscious? The VR experience works ingeniously with bizarre aesthetics, theatrical backdrops, unconventional points of view and unexpected props.


author: Craig Quintero

country: Taiwan

year: 2023

runtime: 11 min

language: English, No dialogue

premiere: Czech Premiere

motion sickness risk: low

control complexity: no interactions

section: International Compatition

location in DOX: Auditorium